When it comes to plastic surgery, love has got a lot to do with it! Plastic surgery has been trending for quite some time now, so it is now commonplace to have friends and family members telling you about their recent plastic surgery encounter and why they choose to have it. Though plastic surgery is becoming more and more demystified, one thing will always be a mystery – the true WHY behind why the person decided to have plastic surgery.

In the case of reconstruction, the why is easy – need. But in the case of an aesthetic procedure, the why may not be so clear to even the plastic surgeon. But for the patient, it is usually quite clear. The way that a certain body part makes someone feel is usually the motivation behind the Google search and the obsession with finding similar before and after pictures. But at the end of the day, the real reason most people opt to have an aesthetic procedure is usually due to LOVE.

It’s Physical … Only Logical

The desire to improve a physical attribute can be initially met with a lot of self-doubt. As one homes in on their perceived defect, they may find themselves constantly comparing their “insert body part here” with friends, family members, and even random strangers. Once in that comparative phase, it is only natural to wonder what your “insert body part here” would look like if you had “insert name of desired person and body part here.” As the appeal of improving a certain area starts to sit in, so does the feeling of how one will feel once this physical change occurs. Being able to feel more confident about taking pictures or being in certain clothing or settings tends to be the driving force behind making the call for an aesthetic consultation. Once the appointment in scheduled, self-doubt and even fear may creep in, but that is when love steps in.

What’s Love, But a Second-Hand Emotion?

Yup, L.O.V.E., love. Self-improvement and self-confidence are usually at the forefront when it comes to aesthetic matters. But more important than anything else is self-love. It is the driving force behind the follow through. Whether there is a little bit or a lot of self-love, it propels the action that leads to the decision to pursue an aesthetic procedure. Often times some people are on the self-love path when they start considering plastic surgery. They may be finally grounded in who they are, and they are now taking the steps to live and look their best. These patients tend to be women in their 40s to 60s who have spent a lifetime caring for others and who are now are ready to turn their attention to themselves and love themselves a little bit more.

The other group tends to be a little younger; they are in their 20s or maybe even their 30s and are determined to live and love themselves the best way they know NOW because they believe they only have one life to live and don’t want to waste a minute on things that they don’t have to, such as an undesirable nasal profile! Regardless of which end of the spectrum you are on, the end result is the same, I love me enough to do this for me! So, for them, love it not just a second-hand emotion.